
今年第一次PO文 也在12/31這一天哈哈!!

2017老實說感覺上沒做什麼 卻是一個讓我了解很多事的一年 有點像跳水的時候那走過跳板的感覺

不過相信自己有些的成長 發覺自己需要加強的地方在於在業界工作的能力 發覺自己有時候不太能冷靜 發覺自己或許有不當的懊惱和自卑導致做事沒做好


21歲的我今天寫了這個紀錄2017的完結 希望2018有更精彩的人生故事的一年



一月: 丟了藥學院的申請 開始了大二的第二學期

二月: 不了了之的一個月我也不太記得...只是冷還在下雪 直到下到三月我們學校上新聞因為三月打雪仗


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連續了前幾天下的雪 一直堆積

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記得那時候要參加這個活動的時候都在想說:會不會太花時? 班上同學會不會想一起做,發覺其實他們也都想做些什麼於是就報名了,結果才知道只能有三天的功夫。其實我們的報告我沒什麼自信,有點太粗糙的感覺,不過還是還是趕上了締め切り。評審是大老遠從BCIT來的,跟我們說他也是教微生物科技的,對於我們團隊都是微生物系所的也莫名的熟悉感,也誇我們去研究大氣物化科學還蠻厲害的。晚餐結果也只給達美樂過了一個晚上...不過最後拿了個Finalist,也算是值得了

ps 同學的稿還蠻厲害的 他當初有課不能來 不過還好他回來的快

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又開始了每周語言交換的活動 跟日本人用日文聊天的時間又到了

聊了些怪事 從多倫多旅行做了什麼 到今年紅白 到了AKB薪水 到了日本生活...

其實剛開始對他感覺有點孤僻 沒想到跟我蠻合的 我也很孤僻的說

今天又知道偏差值的重要性了 早稻田的學費也是貴得嚇人

立命館學校在上課我想去參觀 對私校才發覺原來東大的教授都說私校的幼稚園到大學的一併就學escalator制度其實不錯

可以盡快找到好學生培養他們 相當的有建設性 不愧是慶応義塾

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上電腦課現在朋友超少的 屈指可數


我還是醫學組的人吧 >_<


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1/7還要考那被遺失在牆角的12/19下雪而沒考的試 心情煩啊

不過廚藝進步了 今天晚上多煮了 連明天的份都準備好了 就這樣哈哈過了看日本綜藝頹廢的今天

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今天還是吃了喜歡的白いブラックサンダー 附近超商買的 雖然寫是北海道限定している でもない。。。



真的在溫哥華買東西 關稅重 ちなみに今天學到了經濟用詞 上回る

賴床的時候玩了一個APP跟乃木坂有關 結果出乎意料哈哈


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前前後後先洗牙再拔兩個智齒和後期的追蹤總共花了650塊台幣,換算成美金約20塊吧 (在北美吃頓飯都不夠…e04) 證實了台灣健保真的很威



  1. 牙周X-RAY是一定要先照,看看牙齒現在狀況囉!我有一顆蛀了,另一顆是橫躺撞到隔壁的牙齒。

  2. 如果智齒跟隔壁的牙黏太緊需要做另一層保護以免傷到隔壁的牙神經。

  3. 牙醫會打局部麻醉針和在牙齒上塗麻醉的藥物,我是打了四針,應該是整個手術中最痛的時候。牙醫會請你漱口,嘴巴會苦然後會麻麻的。

  4. 待麻醉開始有效果的時候,牙醫會開始拔了,先切開牙周的肉讓周圍有個開口方便切智齒。這時候就張嘴等他拔完,放心不會痛。切記嘴部不要用太多力,因為智齒長在肌肉上一用力血會流出很多,牙醫難拔。

  5. 如果牙醫為了讓傷口小一點會把牙齒都切到小到可拿出的程度,到時候手術完之後看到的是幾塊大碎片


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After first year finished I kind of still had no idea of my major

I still remember having a serious skype talk with my parents in the dorms in March after the Meet Your Major event

"Dad and Mom, I have no idea what I'm gonna do after this year and I hate chem labs ",

but at that time I know I wanted to do something related to stem cells after college,

so after some process of elimination (considering my GPA) I ended up with three choices:

Environmental Science, Biochemistry, and Microbiology and Immunology

All three of them are completely different subjects and have drastically different course schedules, so from my POI,

Environmental science may be the least popular among these three, but the job market is quite big considering the damage we made and the recovery that's needed.

Biochem is more medical and many of my distant relatives in the US have their professions in that field, so it was where I thought I would put some thought into.

Microbi is medical and seems hard, but the job market seems relatively smaller compared to the other two. Yet some of the most recent discovers in the medical field relate closely to this field as well as some stem cell stuff.


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Before getting in / 小回顧:


每個月都有大考,每個禮拜都有兩次三小的實驗課,有點招架不住 (習慣了其實還好)

課業和社團兼顧...還有一些而外的大小咚咚...學期中開了刀 (感謝所有學長姊大大幫忙)


所以呢今天分享一下這一年課程的回顧: Alright I'm ready to start this.


Term 1 Term 2
  • BIOL 111
  • COMM 120
  • ENGL 112
  • MATH 200
  • PHYS 101
  • BIOL 112
  • BIOL 121
  • BIOL 140
  • CHEM 123
  • ENGL 110

Finishing term 2 wasn't tough, it was actually term 1 for me. So going through each class:


BIOL 111: Intro to Modern Biology


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Before getting in / 小回顧:

因為跟台灣部落格有點斷線了幾年所以想說回來分享一下在英屬哥倫比亞大學 Univeristy of British Columbia (UBC) 的大一選課紀錄。



My experience at UBC as a semi-domestic and kinda-international student was sort of odd. It was my first time returning to Canada after being educated in Taiwan for about 10 years so I was a bit off track, despite the fact I studied in international boarding schools for about 4 years. I was worried about what classes to choose out of the whole SSC...looking through the amount of classes that you can take.

Regardless, all science students come across the distillation email giving the info about going to the Step 4: Look at Your High School Courses. For science especially, do your homework looking through here and there are some critical points to your schedule. I'll go over them step by step:

1. CHECK AP (and IB) CREDITS: Those credits come out around July for most people and you should better look if you can waive any credits from those, especially liberal arts credits, for example history, economics, psychology, geography, and languages...etc. Those come in handy because of the 12 mandatory arts credits that you have to take, better waive them now. However you should double check for science credits. I was a AP student so I'll go over five mainstream APs:

  • AP English: waive, waive, waive, 因為很重要所以要說三次。
  • AP Calculus AB/BC = I would suggest to waive MATH 100 and not MATH 101. Calculus 2 covers actually a lot more than what the AP test covers, especially MATH 105. I actually did a dumb step by waiving all and went to take MATH 200 directly. Calculus 3 actually burned me madly during first term. Yet, if you think your math is strong enough, go directly to multivariable.
  • AP Biology = Do yourself a favor and waive. BIOL 111, BIOL 121, and BIOL 140 are not GPA boosters. They all require more time than BIOL 112 (intro cell biology) and have purely short answer exams. Although the material wasn't difficult, it was sure not worth the time. Yet this is dependent on the fact that you understand genetics and know how to write a research paper well. If you do, waive.
  • AP Chemistry: I would borrow a CHEM 121 textbook and see if you are familiar with the concepts. CHEM 121 covers mainly structural chemistry and leads to the understanding of bonding theory and includes eigenvalues and 3D coordinates. If you aren't strong in chem, then don't waive.
  • AP Physics: 50%/50%. Those who waive and are not going into physics, you probably would never need to see physics ever again. Yet for those who do, you can take second year level physics directly. First year physics was somehow easygoing for me, PHYS 101 (fluid dynamics and waves) was useful for me to some degree and it was my first term highest grade so take it if you want some extra math

2. CHECK HS TRANSCRIPT: All senior level HS courses in BC come with a coding of "Course 12", so for international schools that means high school aggregate level of that subject, e.g. American International Schools would have Chemistry 12 equal to HS Chemistry. If you don't have the course taken in high school then you must take the lower requirement which are: PHYS 100, CHEM 111, and BIOL 111. All other courses usually wouldn't require much from your high school years.

3. CHECK MAJOR REQUIREMENTS: You probably already have a basic idea of what sciences you are more interested, whether it is physical sciences, life sciences, or even earth and ocean sciences. Those majors usually come with requirements from first year, be sure to check the UBC Calendar for required courses to advance to 2nd year specialization.

4. COMBINATION: At this point you should know what courses you are required, interested, or able to waive. You should now be able to log in to your SSC account and create a worklist. In late May or early June you should be notified by UBC Enrolment Services about your assigned registration time. Everyone is in a different spot in the order of your entrance averages usually. Spots can get filled so register as soon as your time slot opens.


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有中英兩版 [Scroll down for the English Version]






上了大學感覺應該要培養一點文青的氣質 (笑死)



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